While The Next Step Wedding Band will provide you with the best music and entertainment you could have on your big day, sometimes we meet a couple that are looking for that
Extra Special twist to stand out from the norm.
For this reason we have found some wonderful add-on's to help you celebrate your big day
in your own unique way
Confetti Canons
For either a dramatic entrance onto the dance floor, an explosive end to your first dance or last song confetti finale, our two stand alone electronic confetti canons really pack a memorable punch. A selection of confetti colours are available to match your weddings theme. Ask for details when booking.
€160 (Check with your venue before booking this)

Monogram Gobo
You guests will certainly know that they are at the right wedding when they are greeted with your very own personalised Monogram GoBo projected onto either your venues entrance way, stair case, ceiling or dance floor. Displaying either your names or initials in a unique design, you can completely transform your venue into a truly personalised area to celebrate your special day.
Candy Cart
A very popular fixture at weddings these days are Candy Carts. For kids young and old, candy carts are a welcomed sight when a sugar rush is needed before all the dancing starts. With a large selection of sweets to choose from, you have the power to send all your relatives kids absolutely batty before they go home. Pretty cool right? You're welcome.